Volunteers Needed Who Speak Sign Language
One of our partners with the VITA program, AARP, is hosting a special tax event that needs volunteers with a very specific skills set: those who speak American Sign Language. This event is an outreach event for deaf and hard of hearing taxpayers. If you know anyone who could help, please put them in touch with me at AmyA@associatedministries.org.
Please note that they would not need to serve the entire day. These individuals would need to pass a short Volunteer Standards of Conduct test, but it is not difficult (related to the ethics of working with taxes, such as protecting taxpayer confidentiality). They would be doing ASL interpretation for the tax preparers, so they do not need to have any tax background.
Here is the location and day/time:
Pt. Defiance/Ruston Sr. Center
4716 N Baltimore St
Tacoma WA 98407
Mon, March 14th, 10 am-3 pm
Thank you!
Amy L. Allison | Director, Community Mobilization