Be a Partner in Helping to Resolve Homelessness!


Watch the CityLine interview here.

A new initiative is being launched in our community to expand access to resources that can quickly resolve experiences of homelessness and housing instability. “CHRP,” the Community Homeless Resolution Partnership, aims to develop a coordinated network of community partners that can provide problem-solving services and resource connections to people in a housing crisis.

CHRP will be a new network made up of non-traditional housing partners, including basic needs service providers, libraries, community centers, and congregations. These partners will be known as Homeless Resolution Partners (HRPs).

We are asking YOUR congregation to consider becoming a Homeless Resolution Partner!

Approved HRPs will be trained to provide creative, problem-solving (Diversion) conversations to people in crisis, which is the first step in Pierce County’s Coordinated Entry system. HRPs will also receive training on data collection, homeless system eligibility, and warm hand-offs to the Coordinated Entry System. They will be supported and mentored by a professional “CHRP Coordinator”, employed by Catholic Community Services.

The role of HRPs is important because some people are not able to easily access the homeless services system in the County due to geographic, cultural or other barriers. Some people are hesitant to access traditional homeless service providers. Ideal participants will be people from entities that currently interact with people who are homeless or experiencing a housing crisis.

A pilot will launch with the first CHRP partner in December; in January 2020 this partner will begin serving people. By next April CHRP will expand with more partners.

For more information, contact Catholic Community Services staff members Alan Brown at, Delmar Algee at, GerritNyland at or call (253) 471-5340.

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