City of Tacoma launches rental assistance program
The City of Tacoma has allocated $1.2 million to assist eligible households affected by the COVID-19 pandemic with rent payments.
The program, which launched on Wednesday, provides a one-time payment of up to $1,000 directly to landlords of selected individuals or families who live in the city limits of Tacoma and have experienced loss of employment or reduction in wages due to COVID-19 resulting in an income level at or below 50 percent Area Median Income for Pierce County.
To apply for the City’s rental assistance program, people can submit an application online at The application will be accepted through May 6, 2020, and will be included in an award lottery. In keeping with the City’s Welcoming Cities Policy, they will not be tracking or providing information to Immigration and Customs Enforcement about immigration or citizenship status.
Some funds have been set aside for direct referrals by community agencies that are helping to address inequities faced by people of color in our community. If you are a service provider that would like to make a direct referral, please contact LASA at
People who need translation services or have trouble accessing the online link, can call (253) 582-5230 Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to noon for assistance.
The City is anticipating the program will be able to process about 100 applications per week and to complete the distribution of funds over a fifteen-week period.