Friends of AM “Keep Dreams Alive” at Annual Gala

Saturday, April 29 was a highlight of the year for Associated Ministries as we welcomed hundreds of friends to our annual “Keeping Dreams Alive” Gala and Auction. Tens of thousands of dollars were raised to provide critical services to many of the most vulnerable members of our community.

Gala guests had a great time enjoying a delicious meal and meeting new friends, and many went home as the high bidder on a wonderful auction item or two!

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During the evening attendees also learned more about the work of AM. The inspiring story of Byron and Mackenzie was showcased in a video, representing just one of the families we were able to directly impact and improve their lives.

Even if you were not able to attend our Gala this year, you can still help us bring life-changing solutions to more people in need in Pierce County. A gift to Associated Ministries helps to end poverty and homelessness in our community by enabling those we serve to find permanent housing and become self-sufficient with dignity and strength.

For more information about how you can get involved in changing lives, visit our website.

Take a moment now to mark the date of next year’s AM Gala and Auction on your calendar: Saturday, April 28, 2018…and invite a few friends to join you for a great evening that makes a big difference!

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