Learn More about Ramadan at this Dinner
Have you ever wanted to learn more about the holy month of Ramadan? Wondered why more than a billion people around the world fast during this time? Did you know that during Ramadan Muslims are encouraged to go out of their way to help the needy, both financially and emotionally, and that for this reason, Ramadan is also known as the month of charity and generosity? Want to learn more? Then join us on Tuesday, July 1, 2015 at 8:00 pm for an Interfaith Iftar Dinner.
Pacifica Institute, in partnership with the University of Puget Sound Center for the Intercultural and Civic Engagement and Associated Ministries, invites you to be their guest at an Interfaith Iftar Dinner. Please join us as we celebrate interfaith dialogue and observe the holy month of Ramadan. The Keynote speech will be given by Dr. Turan Kayaoglu, Associated Professor and Associated Dean at the University of Washington Tacoma. He will speak on “Ramadan Lessons from Students”.
An Iftar is a meal served at sunset during Ramadan, as Muslims break the daily fast. Muslims traditionally first break the fast with dates and either water or a yogurt drink. The Iftar is very much a social event, involving family and community members. It is common for people to host others for dinner, or gather as a community for a potluck. It is also common for people to invite and share food with those less fortunate. The spiritual reward for charitable giving is considered to be especially significant during Ramadan.
This is a wonderful opportunity on Tuesday, July 1, 2015 to learn more about Ramadan and share a meal with people who are also interested in interfaith programs and dialogue. Seating is limited so RSVP quickly for this free event which begins at 8:00 pm with dinner at 9:00 pm. You can RSVP to HFickes@PugetSound.Edu.