Meet the AM Staff: Teona

For this month’s employee spotlight, we’ll be featuring Teona Kelley! Teona is our Coordinated Entry Specialist Team Lead. Teona joined the Associated Ministries’ (AM) family in 2012 after interning with AM and has been a part of many different programs (Peer Navigation, Access Point for Housing, and Coordinated Entry). Teona has helped so many clients get connected to housing, employment, and health care opportunities over the years. When asked what she enjoys most about her job, she shared that the work, “…makes me more humble than I already am. I love meeting the people that I serve. It’s taught me to accept people for who they are. I realize everybody’s human”. When Teona isn’t advocating for policy change or getting her clients housed, you can find her out in nature, hiking, enjoying water activities, and staying active.