Rally the Troops! Sign up for Paint Beautiful today!
Paint Tacoma-Pierce Beautiful is about to embark on its 30th summer of painting houses for low-income homeowners! We still need volunteer groups and individuals to sign up to paint a house.
That means we need you! Our goal is to paint 40 houses in Tacoma and 10 in Lakewood this year.
How you can help: Gather together your friends, neighbors, co-workers, classmates, church members—or any other group you’re a part of—and sign up today! Your crew will be assigned one house to paint, and be provided with training, guidance, paint, supplies, and T-shirts! Don’t have a crew? Sign up as an individual and we’ll place you with a team.
How to sign up: Visit www.PaintBeautiful.org. Click on the “Volunteer” tab and fill out the online application. Training: After you sign up, you’ll be sent an email with information about training dates in late June.
Questions? Contact Amy Allison at amya@associatedministries.org or (253) 426-1516, or Will Bergstrom at willb@associatedministries.org or (253) 383-3056, ext. 157.