Rally the Troops! Sign up for Paint Beautiful today!


Sign-Up at www.PaintBeautiful.org

Paint Tacoma-Pierce Beautiful is about to embark on its 30th summer of painting houses for low-income homeowners! We still need volunteer groups and individuals to sign up to paint a house.

Paint Tacoma Pierce Beautiful, PTPB 2014, Homeless Youth, volunteer, teams wanted, volunteer opportunities, tacoma, pierce county, associated ministries, screening, fight homelessness, help, love, love your brother, love your sister, have fun, volunteering, community event, community effort, painting, help wanted

Paint Tacoma-Pierce Beautiful 2014

That means we need you! Our goal is to paint 40 houses in Tacoma and 10 in Lakewood this year.

How you can help: Gather together your friends, neighbors, co-workers, classmates, church members—or any other group you’re a part of—and sign up today!  Your crew will be assigned one house to paint, and be provided with training, guidance, paint, supplies, and T-shirts!  Don’t have a crew? Sign up as an individual and we’ll place you with a team.


Paint Tacoma Pierce Beautiful, PTPB 2014, Homeless Youth, volunteer, teams wanted, volunteer opportunities, tacoma, pierce county, associated ministries, screening, fight homelessness, help, love, love your brother, love your sister, have fun, volunteering, community event, community effort, painting, help wanted

Paint Tacoma-Pierce Beautiful 2014

How to sign up: Visit www.PaintBeautiful.org. Click on the “Volunteer” tab and fill out the online application.  Training: After you sign up, you’ll be sent an email with information about training dates in late June.

Questions? Contact Amy Allison at amya@associatedministries.org or (253) 426-1516, or Will Bergstrom at willb@associatedministries.org or (253) 383-3056, ext. 157.

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