Save the date for Project Homeless Connect 2019
Associated Ministries is proud to carry on the legacy of Sound Outreach and provide resources and services for people experiencing homelessness under one roof.
We are currently updating our website where you will be able to find the most up-to-date information as we move forward. We are thankful that Pierce County Human Services chose AM to carry the mission of helping people one person at a time, and all the support they have given the program. Additionally, we are thankful for the long-time support of The Milgard Foundation and The Employees Community Fund of Boeing.
The next Project Homeless Connect event will be on Friday, January 25, 2019. The event as always will be offering services including dental and medical care, access to education and employment services, flu shots, haircuts and more.
If you would like to volunteer, be a vendor or chat about sponsorships, please contact Wendy Morris at or 253-426-1501.
And stay tuned to our website, for updates and registration information for vendors and volunteers and ways you can assist.