Supporting Targeted Communities on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11

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The Asian American Leaders Table is a network of local and national Asian American organizations that convened in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic to work together to address the rise in anti-Asian violence. Their collective voice has uplifted the shared strength of their communities to speak out against racism and violence. In that spirit, they made commitments on the 20th anniversary of September 11th and its aftermath, since 9/11 lives in their memories as a day of unspeakable loss and pain.

Following is a non-exhaustive list of resources and initiatives related to the 20th anniversary of 9/11, compiled by the Asian American Leaders Table. They encourage us all to further research and support Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim and South Asian (AMEMSA)-led organizations.

  • — a learning hub on the impact of 9/11 on people of color hosted by Sikh activist Valerie Kaur
  • Teaching Beyond September 11th — multimodal curriculum for high school and college educators and students about the ongoing global impact of 9/11
  • The American Mosque 2020 — gives the most current data on mosques and their congregations in the United States from Institute for Social Policy & Understanding
  • Teaching the Costs of War — provides resources for university educators seeking to engage their undergraduate students in interdisciplinary conversations about the post-9/11 wars and their costs, as well as alternatives for a demilitarized future
  • Teaching September 11, 2001 in Classrooms — tool to facilitate and enrich classroom discussions in schools about the 20th anniversary of September 11th hosted by Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
  • 9/7 – 9/10: Reckoning with the Global War on Terror: Rethinking Security and Realizing Justice — virtual conference on the impacts of the global war on terror hosted by The American Friends Service Committee
  • 9/7 – 9/10: 20 Years Later: A Peace and Justice Film Festival — virtual film festival commemorating the 20th anniversary of September 11
  • 9/9: Shoulder to Shoulder Campaign — public conversation on “Multifaith Solidarity: 20 Years Since 9/11”
  • 9/10: South Asian Americans Leading Together — 20 years since, an interactive pop-up installation in New York City’s Greenwich Village
  • 9/11: Whose Narrative? 20 Years since September 11, 2001 — Moderated by renowned historian dr. Robin D. G. Kelley, this inaugural roundtable kicks off a semester-long intergenerational conversation that challenges the exceptionalization of 9/11/2001; legitimization of “war on terror” and other imperialist wars and interventions; justification of the “Security” State, and promotion of hyper masculinity and a colonial gender and sexualized order of modernization and “civilization.”
  • 9/13: De-Securitizing Muslim Identity Lecture Series — by Professor Abdullahi An’Naim & Center for Security, Race and Rights
  • 9/14: 20 Years After 9/11: Solidarity Lessons and Practices — an online teach-in to mark the 20th anniversary of 9/11 through the lens of solidarity hosted by Building Movement Project & SolidarityIs
  • 9/20: 20 Years Post 9/11 — Relive, Reflect, React Virtual Symposium hosted by SALDEF
  • 9/20: Letters from Detention — virtual performance, conversation, and reflection on 20 years since the post-9/11 roundups, detentions, and deportations hosted by Center for Constitutional Rights & The Public Theater

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