Susan Tiffany joins the AM Team!

We are excited to announce that Susan Tiffany joined the Associated Ministries team this month as Program Manager for three important programs: Youth Advancement and Housing, Family Permanent Housing, and Congregational-Based Affordable Housing.

“She’s a fireball!  Her experience in program development is an extraordinary asset, ” declared Valorie Crout, Chief Program Officer.

Susan revSusan recently earned her Master’s in Social Work and Organizational Leadership from Texas State University.  Her B.A. was concentrated in Collaborative Health and Human Services. Susan has a heart for the impact that can be made through collaboration.  “The faith community, especially, can mobilize so much faster at a grassroots level and make things happen for people in need, “ she noted. She experienced this impact first-hand in the four years she worked for the Salvation Army in Monterey, CA helping families in transitional housing.

A veteran, Susan served nine years of active duty in the USAF and her husband will be retiring from the military at the end of the year. “I’m new to Washington and what I love are the trees.  I’m really looking forward to putting down deep roots here (like those tall trees) after moving so much because of the military. I know the choices families have to make in order to stay together through tough times and moving from place to place.  I’m very proud of my two kids and how they are achieving big life goals for themselves.”

Associated Ministries can expect the same drive and resilience from Susan in her program responsibilities.  “What excites me the most is working with the youth program and developing Congregational-Based Affordable Housing–not just around housing but all the involvement of volunteers, too.  Working together with the Bethel School District on youth housing, plus the involvement of the entire community is a win-win for congregations, youth, and the community.  With the Family Permanent Housing Program comes an opportunity to positively affect families that have run into a crisis. Because we work with them through family care team volunteers on a long-term basis while they are in permanent housing, the support system is being built.  They learn how to access a support system before problems become full-blown crises.”

Welcome to our team, Susan!



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