TENT CITY TACOMA a Short-Term “Solution” to a Persistent Problem

FOR MORE THAN A YEAR a small team, including formerly homeless persons, has been working carefully to develop a plan for launching a Tent City that can temporarily meet the needs of homeless persons in the Tacoma area. Team members have been working to
• research state legal requirements
• identify needs
• find an initial site and host
• spell out operational groundrules
• connect with funding sources
• create secure financial management
• establish positive links with city and community agencies
NOW IT IS TIME, with these foundations in place, to expand the organizational base and “rev up” the process in order to get the first Tent City Tacoma operational. There is much yet to do, and more hands, hearts, minds, and feet are needed to assure as strong and quick a move forward as possible.
ALL CONCERNED PERSONS are invited to join the effort. The team meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at the First United Methodist Church of Tacoma, 621 Tacoma Avenue South, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. All meetings are open.
FOR MORE INFORMATION, please visit Tent City Tacoma’s website tentcitytacoma.net, Facebook page www.facebook.com/tentcitytacoma, email questions to tentcitytacoma@gmail.com or call (253-882-7577).