Tiki Apartment Volunteer Opportunity / Adopt an Apartment

We are looking for a volunteer(s) to be grouped in teams of approximately 4 people to be matched with a Tiki Apartment unit needing assistance with packing and/or moving.
If you are of able body, have access to trucks, and/or can be on an on-call basis, please take the following action:
The Process
- We want to keep our tenants safe. Fill out a very quick & easy background check via the Associated Ministries website. https://associatedministries.org/volunteer/. This takes less than 3 minutes and is very easy. Information you will need to provide:
First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name
Maiden Name and/or any alias, if applicable
Date of Birth (careful, many people get on automatic when filling out the form and enter 2018)
2. Once the background check clears, Associated Ministries will forward your contact information to the organizers:
Wendy Engen wengen71@gmail.com
Mary Verd massagebymaryverd@gmail.com
3. Volunteers may sign up to be matched with a team of approximately 4 to help pack and/or move. Please indicate your preference. Packing and moving dates may be differ (based on how much needs to be packed and availability of moving vehicles.
4. As tenants become ready for their unit to be Adopted for either packing and/or moving assistance, Wendy or Mary will reach out to you to facilitate an introduction and begin the process of setting up logistics.
Keep In Mind
Tenants are still in process of securing affordable housing, so the need unfolds in real time and can be a challenge to estimate date of volunteer need, hence requesting Volunteer On Call status. We endeavor to work together to find suitable day/times for all involved.
Tiki Apartments are a total of 60 units. 30 units to be vacated by end of April; the other 30 vacated by end of May. All units are in a variety of ever changing status and capturing real time needs change quickly. Many do not have email addresses or limited phone access to communicate, but nonetheless, we move through these challenges and ask for your patience and flexibility.
If you have read through this call to action for volunteers, thank you for caring for the vulnerable in our community. Please join in this effort. Your precious hours of volunteering will make the difference to someone else in need.
Reminder: There is power in contributing & sharing: https://www.gofundme.com/tiki-tenant-relief-fund.
If you would like to donate but not through the GoFundMe site, feel free to send a check with “Tiki” in the memo line to:
Associated Ministries
901 S. 13th Street
Tacoma, WA 98405
Thank you for your care and contributions!