Care Teams Training: offering compassion and support in times of disaster

by Amy Allison, Program Manager

Twelve years ago on August 29th, Katrina made landfall in southeast Louisiana, becoming the most destructive hurricane in U.S. history. Hundreds of thousands of people in the hurricane’s path were displaced. To help communities of faith in Pierce County assist evacuees who were relocated here, Associated Ministries created the Care Teams program.

Today, AM continues to help communities of faith prepare to serve in times of disaster. We offer quarterly Care Team trainings to train volunteers to provide emotional, spiritual, and practical support for disaster survivors. Someday, it may be our own community in need. When that happens, will you be ready to help?

Our next Care Team training is happening soon! Please join us for this quarter’s topic, “Boundaries and Self-Care for Caregivers.”

Where:  Bethlehem Baptist Church, 4818 Portland Avenue, Tacoma 98404

When:  Saturday, September 9, 2017, 9 – 11 a.m.

This is a free event. Coffee and refreshments served!

RSVP to Wendy Morris,, or 253-426-1501.


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