Guide for Churches & Faith Communities: COVID-19
by Mike Yoder, Executive Director
You and your congregation are in our thoughts and prayers during this unprecedented national emergency. I’m certain you and your leadership team have been consumed with planning how to move forward as a worshiping community when public gatherings are not permitted. Here’s a link to a resource booklet that may offer you some helpful ideas.
As congregations begin to settle into their “new normal” we’re already hearing from some about their desire to reach out and serve those in need. In the days to come, we hope to determine a way to effectively collate and distribute details about both needs and offers to serve.
I encourage you to consider how your congregation can step into the breach and be a blessing to a community in crisis. For example, we’ve heard from one church that is organizing teams of its members to deliver food and medicine to those who must remain isolated at home. Other congregations are encouraging their members to form “child care co-ops” to help parents who must go to work while schools are closed. If you are feeling called to meet specific needs or opportunities, please let us know by return email to If you are a faith leader in the Pierce County area and wish to be added to our electronic monthly Faith Leaders’ Update and communications, please also e-mail that address.
I believe this is an unprecedented opportunity for faith communities to shine, to show our neighbors what it means to be people of faith who care deeply for the vulnerable. We are in this together, committed to our vision to be “interfaith partners deeply engaged in transforming our community.”
Serving together,
Mike Yoder