Responding to Hate
by Mike Yoder, Executive Director, Associated Ministries
Our hearts are broken by the devastating events in Charlottesville last weekend, and we mourn with you for those needlessly killed and injured. We believe we are all called to confront racism and we are encouraged when we see the best of our faith traditions stand up to help ensure that love and justice win. We are encouraged that the local faith community is coming together as a presence of peace and to stand for justice. Please let us know about any events or activities you are planning so we can share the word via our network:
Associated Ministries has met with local faith leaders over the past few months to determine together what role the faith community can play in responding to hate speech and threats of violence directed at faith communities (particularly synagogues and mosques). We are organizing an opportunity for local congregations to stand in solidarity by declaring their shared commitment to be agents of compassion and mutual support. A Statement of Compassion has been prepared that can be signed and/or read in worship services during the weekend of Sept. 22-24, which corresponds with the City of Tacoma’s Compassionate Communities observance. Please email if you’d like to receive the Compassion Weekend materials.
As an encouragement to us all, following are links to statements by faith leaders and organizations on the events in Charlottesville that were gathered by Faith Action Network. Please share others you know about with them at
- Episcopal Bishop Greg Rickel
- Church Council of Greater Seattle
- The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
- The Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle encourages celebrations of Shabbat: Together at the Table
- The United Church of Christ
- The United Methodist Church
May we all continue to do whatever we can to promote a different narrative in Pierce County, one in which people of faith stand unanimously against hatred and racism, and may it spread across our nation.