Looking forward to hosting our next Project Homeless Connect on September 12, 2024!
Our 2023 and 2024 Project Homeless Connect events were a great success!
Services included dental and medical services, employers ready to hire, giveaways, Coordinated Entry staff to assist with housing, haircuts, free lunch, shuttle service, and more.
News media was at our June 2022 and January 2023 events. Check out what they had to say (see links below).
Resource fair in Tacoma connects people experiencing homelessness to services (q13fox.com)
Event Information
Our next event:
There will be so many valuable resources and essential services available to help our community members currently experiencing homelessness. Some of the services will be Coordinated Entry, giveaways, free lunch for clients, DSHS providing TANIF and SNAP benefits, emergency dental services, Veteran's services, healthcare enrollment, shower and laundry services, haircuts, free phones and tablets, and so much more...
Date: September 12, 2024, 11am-3pm
First Christian Church
602 N Orchard St
Tacoma, WA 98406
Volunteers are crucial to the success of Project Homeless Connect. We need 80+ volunteers for each event. If you would like to volunteer, please click the volunteer button and complete the form. We hope you will be part of our goal to provide essential services to our community members experiencing homelessness, meeting them with respect, integrity, and caring. For more information, contact Michele Cotton, Development Coordinator, at michelec@associatedministries.org or 253-426-1507.
Vendor and volunteer registration is now closed for the event. We have reached capacity. Thank you for your interest.
We would like to thank everyone for their continued support of Project Homeless Connect.
We are looking forward to serving those who are experiencing homelessness during our events and will continue to post updates on our Facebook page and website.
Please call 211 housing assistance.
Thank you!
~ Project Homeless Connect staff
Vendor Registration is now closed for this event.
The focus of Project Homeless Connect is to connect the most vulnerable in our community with services that will assist them with stability.
- All vendors are REQUIRED to register for Project Homeless Connect online. No entry will be allowed at the event unless you register by the registration deadline. The vendor registration deadline is August 30th.
- One 8' table and two chairs provided.
- Please provide your own tablecloth, table décor and materials at your booth.
- Limited power will be available.
- Please provide your own organization banner or sign.
- We are expecting 250+ participants so please come prepared with your materials.
- All vendors are required to be set up by 10:30am and remain open until 3:00pm.