What a Day at the Interfaith Women’s Conference!
What do you get when you combine 280 participants, 36 workshop presenters, 46 vendor tables, a group of amazing volunteers, AND a phenomenal keynote speaker? Well, you get an amazing and unforgettable day at the 2nd Interfaith Women’s Conference!
Women of many different faiths and good will came together to celebrate and learn from one another. There were plenty of workshop options, something for everyone. Some of the workshops included topics from self-care, aging, accessing tools to get through hard times, to hands-on self-defense, Dances of Universal Peace, singing or taking in some meditation and crystal singing bowls.
A beautiful part of this day was that women and groups purchased tickets as scholarships to send other women who might not otherwise be able to attend. More than forty women were able to attend who couldn’t have without the graciousness of another woman. That is what community is about.
Whether you came away learning something new, maybe having made a new friend or discovering that you have more in common with someone than you ever thought you might, the day was rewarding for all. One woman even shared with me that the day had literally changed her life. Her experience of being with other women who had made it through hard times and learning some of the tools they used enabled her to feel empowered and unstuck. And that is community and sisterhood is about.
Thank you to all the volunteers, presenters and sponsors that made this day possible. And a special thanks to the interfaith planning committee of twelve women who worked tirelessly for eighteen months on putting this conference together. It takes a village. And this village came together and created a beautiful, sacred space of sisterhood.
Peace, Salaam, Shalom.
(Thank you again to our major sponsors: City of Tacoma, Greater Tacoma Community Foundation, KXXO Mixx 96.1, and MAPS/AMEN American Muslim Empowerment Network!)