Your Voice Counts – Bread for the World Letter Writing
Feed Our Children!
Pierce County Hunger Advocates grew out of the annual meeting of Associated Ministries three years ago, when David Beckman, president of Bread for the World, was the keynote speaker.
The “Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010”, which provides for school lunches and breakfast, W.I.C, meals for childcare and more, expires on September 30th of this year and needs to be renewed by Congress.
Hold an Offering of Letters with your congregation/place of worship to advocate to Congress on behalf of hungry children. The following resources are available from Pierce County Hunger Advocates, c/o
a) Bread for the World Offering of Letters Kit
b) Speakers for Adult Education Forums
c) Info sheet giving details of the legislation; a sample letter
For up-to-date info on the issues, see: