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Associated Ministries Of Tacoma-Pierce County

Wonderful Interfaith Gathering!

Thank you, Temple Beth El, for hosting the annual Thanksgiving Interfaith Gathering last night!  It was a wonderful evening with about 275 individuals gathering in gratitude.  Offering was collected for…

Volunteer with VITA!

Help lift hard-working families out of poverty:  Volunteer with VITA!   Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Click here to apply – Each February to April, VITA helps low and moderate-income households through free tax…

Faith in Action at Our Savior Lutheran Church

Our Savior Lutheran Church, located at 4519 112th St. E, in Tacoma has a robust team of volunteers helping through their Faith In Action Ministry.  This group has organized a…

2014 Pierce County Hunger Walk – Thank You!!

The 35th annual Pierce County Hunger Walk was a huge success because our community was truly engaged and donors gave generously.  Associated Ministries couldn’t have led this event without the tremendous …

The City of Tacoma Human Rights Commission invites your Participation this Fall

For additional information about upcoming Human Rights activities or other human rights issues, contact Human Rights Program Assistant William Yi at 253.591.5162 or, or visit the City’s website at…

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Domestic violence thrives when we are silent; but if we take a stand and work together, we can end domestic violence. YWCA of Pierce County  is hosting several events this…

Transit Advocacy 101 – Fall 2014 Events

Transit Advocy 101 – Upcoming Events  Friday Forum: Transportation is a Life Determinant Friday, Oct. 17 UWT, BHS 106, 12pm – 1pm Join Ron Sims, Former Deputy Secretary, US Department…

Volunteer with VITA

Help lift hard-working families out of poverty:  Volunteer with VITA!   Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Click here to apply   – Each February to April, VITA helps low and moderate-income households through…

Education Page Intro

We are all concerned about who is experiencing homelessness, how many people are homeless, and what is being done about the pressing reality on our communities.  After three years of…